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58-61 Chevrolet Corvette

58-61 Chevrolet Corvette Schwingungsdämpfer


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Kühlung und Riementrieb
Unterkategorie: Riementriebkomponenten
Produktart: Schwingungsdämpfer

Harmonic balancer, rebuilt original, 6'' O.D., stepped style. Rebuild includes disassembly, glass beading, installation of 2 new rubber cushions w/rivets while balancer components are compressed at 8000 lbs. Also includes new sleeve on timing cover seal area. If you prefer we will rebuild your original balancer, ask for an R.A.# and allow for a 10 day turn around time. If using your part as an exchange, we will need to see it before establishing its actual core value. Many balancers are so abused that they may not be restorable. Large dents on front surface, stripped holes, cracks or oversize crank openings are major problems. Exchange core value is $50.00. We will need to evaluate prior to issuing credit to determine condition.
1957 w/283.
1958 All
59-61 Base 230 excluding 270,290, & 315.
Muffe im Lieferumfang
6 IN

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58-61 Chevrolet Corvette Schwingungsdämpfer
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Kategorie: Kühlung und Riementrieb
Unterkategorie: Riementriebkomponenten
Produktart: Schwingungsdämpfer

Harmonic balancer, rebuilt original, 6'' O.D., stepped style. Rebuild includes disassembly, glass beading, installation of 2 new rubber cushions w/rivets while balancer components are compressed at 8000 lbs. Also includes new sleeve on timing cover seal area. If you prefer we will rebuild your original balancer, ask for an R.A.# and allow for a 10 day turn around time. If using your part as an exchange, we will need to see it before establishing its actual core value. Many balancers are so abused that they may not be restorable. Large dents on front surface, stripped holes, cracks or oversize crank openings are major problems. Exchange core value is $50.00. We will need to evaluate prior to issuing credit to determine condition.
1957 w/283.
1958 All
59-61 Base 230 excluding 270,290, & 315.
Muffe im Lieferumfang
6 IN

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58-61 Chevrolet Corvette Schwingungsdämpfer
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